Discover the wonder of the shadows, anytime, everywhere. Inside and outside me.
Some people think the shadow has a scientific meaning; it is a phenomenon generating when light is over a body; and some people think differently or has emotional connections to it.
Generally thinking, it exists a "gray area" of the individual as well, which has to be destroyed as an impediment to peace.
And much more...
I feel a great emotional thinking on a stage where in the past the shadow was called "black eyes", the Karagoz, and internal energy of that dimension.
In the theatre of my life, I would like to dye my body of that specific eye-colour, and can move under the visible colours without losing sight of that black.
"Any kind of box can be opened, as it was made. We always need to believe it is possible"
“Unfinished Route” is a path... I cannot close because it is tied to the changing of my feelings.
When you feel the intensity of his gaze on your skin.
It moves, simultaneously with the endless mobility of the shadow.
The limit of a box doesn’t stop the noise of the shadow...
My dream is to reach the shadow at noon.
Carla Paiolo
----- About The Artist -----
Visual artist and performer Carla Paiolo was born in Vetralla (Viterbo, Italy) on May 3, 1976. She uses overall the hand-made paper, as space of purity. Her research is strongly directed to a specific analysis of non-European cultures (East and Middle-East culture). She already made some investigation in China (Guangzhou), in 2007, specializing in engraving and other ancient Chinese artistic techniques.
Opening: Saturday, 19 June 2010 at 18:30 - 21:30
** There will be a performance by Carla Paiolo during the openning party!
Visiting Hours: Everyday 11:00 - 21:00
Açılış: 19 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi 18:30- 21:30
** Açılışta Carla Paiolo bir performans gerçekleştirecektir!
Ziyaret saatleri: Haftanın her günü 11:00 - 21:00
Hush Gallery
Caferağa Mh. Miralay Nazım Sk. 20 Bahariye - Kadıköy / Istanbul
Detaylı bilgi için // For further info:
T.(0532) 2854904 / gallery@hushhostelistanbul.com